Three to Five Years

Children are highly active: running, jumping and climbing. They are adventurous and imitate adults and other siblings. Protect their safety – follow these child safety guidelines, make sure you have an up-do-date first aid kit on hand and consider doing a kids first aid course.

  • Outdoor areas and kids activities areas should be safe from tripping or slipping hazards. If play equipment for kids is at a greater height than 500mm soft under-surfacing should be installed to a depth of 250mm.

  • Provide a safe shady play area free from low branches and separate from the driveway.

  • Always supervise kids anywhere near the road and start to teach road safety, (stop, look, listen and think before crossing a road) hold hands near traffic, and always wear a helmet when using a bike.

  • Use colourful stickers down low on glassed areas and use shatter resistant film or safety glass.

  • Always supervise anywhere near water (pool or bath).

  • Ensure play equipment has suitable impact absorbing surfacing under and around the equipment.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure between 11am-4pm.

  • Ensure all medications, cleaning products and hazardous substances are locked up out of sight and out of reach including dishwashing liquid or powder which can cause serious burns to the mouth and throat of a child. Look for child-safe cleaning products when shopping.

  • Ensure children wear a well fitting, appropriate helmet when riding bikes or using skateboards and roller skates.

  • Don’t forget electrical safety – use child proof safety plugs for unused power points.